andres | The public API |
graph | Graphs and graph algorithms |
hdf5 | |
GraphTraitsHDF5< CompleteGraph< VISITOR > > | |
GraphTraitsHDF5< Digraph< VISITOR > > | |
GraphTraitsHDF5< Graph< VISITOR > > | |
GraphTraitsHDF5< GridGraph< D, VISITOR > > | |
multicut | |
Settings | |
multicut_lifted | |
KernighanLinSettings | |
twocut_lifted | |
TwoCutSettings | |
TwoCutBuffers | |
Adjacency | The adjacency of a vertex consists of a vertex and a connecting edge |
BreadthFirstSearchData | |
BridgesBuffers | |
CompleteGraph | Complete graph |
ComponentsBySearch | Connected component labeling by breadth-first-search (labels start at 0) |
ComponentsByPartition | Connected component labeling using disjoint sets (labels start at 0) |
CutVerticesBuffers | |
DepthFirstSearchData | |
Digraph | Directed graph, implemented as an adjacency list |
UnitEdgeValueIterator | Return 1 for every edge |
Graph | Undirected graph, implemented as an adjacency list |
GridGraph | D-dimensional grid graph |
EdgeCoordinate | Describes an edge as the integer index of the minimum of the two endpoints and the direction along which it is drawn |
MaxFlowPushRelabel | Push-Relabel Algorithm for computing the maximum s-t-flow of a Digraph |
MaxFlowEdmondsKarp | Edmonds-Karp Algorithm for computing the maximum s-t-flow of a Digraph |
DijkstraIdleVisitor | Idle visitor for Dijkstra's algorithm |
DefaultSubgraphMask | An entire graph |
IdleGraphVisitor | Visitors can be used to follow the indices of vertices and edges |
VerboseGraphVisitor | Visitors can be used to follow the indices of vertices and edges |