Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
\NandresThe public API
 \NgraphGraphs and graph algorithms
  |oCGraphTraitsHDF5< CompleteGraph< VISITOR > >
  |oCGraphTraitsHDF5< Digraph< VISITOR > >
  |oCGraphTraitsHDF5< Graph< VISITOR > >
  |\CGraphTraitsHDF5< GridGraph< D, VISITOR > >
  oCAdjacencyThe adjacency of a vertex consists of a vertex and a connecting edge
  oCCompleteGraphComplete graph
  oCComponentsBySearchConnected component labeling by breadth-first-search (labels start at 0)
  oCComponentsByPartitionConnected component labeling using disjoint sets (labels start at 0)
  oCDigraphDirected graph, implemented as an adjacency list
  oCUnitEdgeValueIteratorReturn 1 for every edge
  oCGraphUndirected graph, implemented as an adjacency list
  oCGridGraphD-dimensional grid graph
  |\CEdgeCoordinateDescribes an edge as the integer index of the minimum of the two endpoints and the direction along which it is drawn
  oCMaxFlowPushRelabelPush-Relabel Algorithm for computing the maximum s-t-flow of a Digraph
  oCMaxFlowEdmondsKarpEdmonds-Karp Algorithm for computing the maximum s-t-flow of a Digraph
  oCDijkstraIdleVisitorIdle visitor for Dijkstra's algorithm
  oCDefaultSubgraphMaskAn entire graph
  oCIdleGraphVisitorVisitors can be used to follow the indices of vertices and edges
  \CVerboseGraphVisitorVisitors can be used to follow the indices of vertices and edges